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Universidade de Lisboa

Os manuais escolares de educação visual em formato digital e o ensino das artes visuais no Terceiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico

Pedagogia Digital

The goals of the present study are: first, to know the space that Schools Text Books of Visual Education occupy in the current school scene, more concretely in the third degree of Basic Education; second what receptivity that has or will be able to have this School Text Books, but in digital format.
It’s made the positioning of the discipline of Visual Education in the third degree of Basic Education curriculum and it is presented a brief chronology of Schools Text Books of Visual Education.

The questions that arrest with the problem of the adoption of school’s books in disciplines of artistic and physicist-motor expression are boarded.
The traditional formats of paper were being gradually complemented for audiovisuals formats and nowadays the digital formats replace the traditional schools books.

Marta Maria Basso Lopes Pernes